Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

Course Code: JUS206
Ders İsmi: Criminal Procedure Law
Ders Yarıyılı: Spring
Ders Kredileri:
Theoretical Practical Laboratory ECTS
3 0 0 7
Language of instruction: Turkish
Ders Koşulu:
Ders İş Deneyimini Gerektiriyor mu?: No
Type of course: Required
Course Level:
Associate TR-NQF-HE:5. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:Short Cycle EQF-LLL:5. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: E-Learning
Course Coordinator : Öğr.Gör. SEMİH AYSAL
Course Lecturer(s): Öğr.Gör. SEMİH AYSAL
Course Assistants:

Dersin Amaç ve İçeriği

Course Objectives: In general, the subject of the criminal procedure, its conditions, the criminal procedure and the periods valid in the criminal procedure, the trial and defense within the criminal procedure
The structure and job description of the authorities and the procedural provisions and the law enforcement, the victim and the complainant, The concept of proof in criminal procedural law, Protection measures in criminal procedural law.
forms. The purpose of this course is to inform students about the investigation phase within the scope of criminal procedure. On the phase of prosecution under criminal procedure
It is aimed to inform students. It is aimed to inform students about ordinary and extraordinary legal remedies within the scope of Criminal Procedure Law. In criminal proceedings
It is aimed that the students have information about the reasoning expenses. To have knowledge about special reasoning procedures will be the main aim of the course.
Course Content: Criminal procedure law is the branch of law that provides to reveal the material truth regarding the criminal dispute and to reveal the time, order and style of the actions taken by the actors participating in the resolution of the dispute.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
Learning Competence
Field Specific Competence
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Ders Akış Planı

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Acquaintance meeting. Introduction to Course. Presentation to Penal Procedural Code numbered 5271. Penal Procedural Code numbered 5271
2) The Sorces of Penal Procedural Law The Basic Principle of Penal Procedural Law. • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara. • Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.
3) The Application of Penal Procedural Codes in terms of time, location and person. • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara. • Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.
4) Investigation Phase I : Criminal Suspicion, Learning of crime (ex-officio, denouncement, plaint), Features of Investigation Phase. • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara. • Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.
5) Investigation Phase II: Subjects of Investigation Phase and the duties of subjects. Proofs and collecting proofs. • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara. • Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.
6) Measures of Precaution : Arrest, Custody, Detention and the other measures of precautions. • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara. • Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.
7) The alternative methods to Indictment Indictment, Elements of indictment, assessment of Indictment (accept-reject) • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara. • Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.
9) Prosecution Phase I : Prosecution Authority and assistants • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara. • Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.
10) Prosecution Phase II: * Dispute which is the topic of judgement and connection between disputes *Conditions of Judgement and proceedings of judgement • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara. • Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.
11) Prosecution Phase III: Stages of Prosecution Phase (Preperation - Hearing - Conclusion) • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara. • Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.
12) Legal Remedies and Execution • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara. • Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.
13) Special Judgement Procedures : Basic Judgement, Judgement of absents and fugitives. Judgement of administrative sanction. • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara. • Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.
14) Litigation Costs and Responsibility of State Last Course. • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara. • Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.


Course Notes / Textbooks: • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku, Seçkin, Ankara.
• Centel/Zafer, Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku, Beta, İstanbul.
References: • Özbek, Veli Özer v.d., Penal Procedural Law, Seçkin, Ankara.
• Centel/Zafer, Penal Procedural Law, Beta, İstanbul.

Ders - Program Öğrenme Kazanım İlişkisi

Ders Öğrenme Kazanımları
Program Outcomes
1) -To have theoretical and practical knowledge of the basic level supported by textbooks, application tools and other sources which contain the current knowledge in the field based on the competencies gained at secondary education level.
3) Having social, scientific, cultural and ethical values ​​in the stages of collecting, applying and announcing the results of the data related to the field. - To have sufficient awareness of the universality of social rights, social justice, quality and cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety.
6) - To be able to conduct a study independently at the basic level related to his / her field. - To be able to take responsibility as a team member in order to solve unforeseen complex problems encountered in the applications related to the field. - To be able to carry out activities related to the development of the employees under the responsibility of a project.

Ders - Öğrenme Kazanımı İlişkisi

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) -To have theoretical and practical knowledge of the basic level supported by textbooks, application tools and other sources which contain the current knowledge in the field based on the competencies gained at secondary education level. 5
3) Having social, scientific, cultural and ethical values ​​in the stages of collecting, applying and announcing the results of the data related to the field. - To have sufficient awareness of the universality of social rights, social justice, quality and cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety.
6) - To be able to conduct a study independently at the basic level related to his / her field. - To be able to take responsibility as a team member in order to solve unforeseen complex problems encountered in the applications related to the field. - To be able to carry out activities related to the development of the employees under the responsibility of a project.

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Quizzes 1 % 20
Midterms 1 % 30
Final 1 % 50
total % 100
total % 100