Operating Room Services
Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

Course Code: ORS203
Ders İsmi: Patient Safety
Ders Yarıyılı: Spring
Ders Kredileri:
Theoretical Practical Laboratory ECTS
3 0 0 5
Language of instruction: Turkish
Ders Koşulu:
Ders İş Deneyimini Gerektiriyor mu?: No
Type of course: Bölüm Seçmeli
Course Level:
Associate TR-NQF-HE:5. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:Short Cycle EQF-LLL:5. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: E-Learning
Course Coordinator : Öğr.Gör. BEREN KARCI AKSAN
Course Lecturer(s): Öğr.Gör. CANAN ARSLAN
Öğr.Gör. Fatma Banu Bekman
Course Assistants:

Dersin Amaç ve İçeriği

Course Objectives: The aim of this course is identify unexpected errors and events that threaten patients and employees in health institutions, and provide students with knowledge, attitudes and skills in order to prevent such negative events.
Course Content: Patient safety culture, medical errors and their causes, medication errors and control, laboratory errors and control, safe surgery, prevention of surgical errors, prevention of patient falls, hospital hygiene plan and waste management, effective communication in patient safety, patient identity verification, color codes, information Safety management, patient restraint and care instruction, risk management in health institutions and legal perspective on patient safety constitute the general content of the course.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) Knows the role of the health worker in patient safety.
2) Gains knowledge about drug safety.
3) Gains knowledge about laboratory errors and control of these errors.
4) Gains knowledge about safe surgery and prevention of surgical errors.
5) The patient has information about the prevention of falls.
6) Have information about hospital hygiene plan and waste management.
7) Gains knowledge about risk management in health institutions.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
Learning Competence
1) Learns the patient safety culture.
2) Learns effective communication ways in patient safety.
Field Specific Competence
1) Learns hospital-associated infections and isolation methods.
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Ders Akış Planı

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Patient Safety Culture, Basic Concepts and Role of Healthcare Professionals in Patient Safety. Hasta Güvenliği - İyi Uygulamalar I. Mustafa Bulun, 2019, Sage Yayıncılık, Related Lecture Notes from Ankara University.
2) Medical Errors and Causes, Notification and Management of Medical Errors. Hasta Güvenliği - İyi Uygulamalar I. Mustafa Bulun, 2019, Sage Yayıncılık, Related Lecture Notes from Ankara University.
3) Medication Errors and Control, Medication Safety. Hasta Güvenliği Yaklaşımları. Haydar Sur, 2019, Medipolitan Yayınevi, Related Lecture Notes.
4) Laboratory Errors and Control. Hasta Güvenliği Yaklaşımları. Haydar Sur, 2019, Medipolitan Yayınevi, Related Lecture Notes.
5) Hospital Associated Infections and Isolation Precautions. Hasta Güvenliği Yaklaşımları. Haydar Sur, 2019, Medipolitan Yayınevi, Related Lecture Notes.
6) Safe Surgery, Prevention of Surgical Errors. Hasta Güvenliği Yaklaşımları. Haydar Sur, 2019, Medipolitan Yayınevi, Related Lecture Notes.
7) Prevention of Falls in Patient Safety. Hasta Güvenliği - İyi Uygulamalar I. Mustafa Bulun, 2019, Sage Yayıncılık, Related Lecture Notes.
8) General Review, Midterm Exam Sample Questions
9) Hospital Hygienic Plan, Waste Management, Operating Room and Sterilization Safety. Hasta Güvenliği: Türkiye ve Dünya Örneği. Füsun Sayek, 2010, Türk Tabipleri Birliği Yayınları.
10) Effective Communication in Patient Safety, Prevention of Communication Errors. Hasta Güvenliği - İyi Uygulamalar I. Mustafa Bulun, 2019, Sage Yayıncılık, Related Lecture Notes.
11) Patient Authentication and Color Codes. Hasta Güvenliği - İyi Uygulamalar I. Mustafa Bulun, 2019, Sage Yayıncılık, Related Lecture Notes.
12) Information Security Management. Hasta Güvenliği Yaklaşımları. Haydar Sur, 2019, Medipolitan Yayınevi, Related Lecture Notes.
13) Patient Restraint and Care Instruction. Hasta Güvenliği - İyi Uygulamalar I. Mustafa Bulun, 2019, Sage Yayıncılık, Related Lecture Notes.
14) Risk Management in Health Institutions. Hasta Güvenliği: Türkiye ve Dünya Örneği. Füsun Sayek, 2010, Türk Tabipleri Birliği Yayınları.
15) Legal Perspective on Patient Safety, Preventing Baby/Child Abductions and Delivering Babies to the Wrong Family. Hasta ve Çalışan Güvenliğinin Sağlanmasına Dair Yönetmelik. Resmi Gazete, Sayı 27897. Hasta Güvenliği Yaklaşımları. Haydar Sur, 2019, Medipolitan Yayınevi, Related Lecture Notes.


Course Notes / Textbooks: Hasta ve Çalışan Güvenliğinin Sağlanmasına Dair Yönetmelik. Resmi Gazete, Sayı 27897.
Hasta Güvenliği: Türkiye ve Dünya Örneği. Füsun Sayek, 2010, Türk Tabipleri Birliği Yayınları.
Açık Ders Ankara - Ders Notları.
References: Hasta Güvenliği - İyi Uygulamalar I. Mustafa Bulun, 2019, Sage Yayıncılık.
Hasta Güvenliği Yaklaşımları. Haydar Sur, 2019, Medipolitan Yayınevi.

Ders - Program Öğrenme Kazanım İlişkisi

Ders Öğrenme Kazanımları











Program Outcomes
1) To be able to have basic theoretical and practical knowledge about the field of operating room services.
2) Use of theoretical domain knowledge in practice.
3) To know the basic, professional and legal regulations related to the field and to be able to act accordingly.
4) To be able to use information and communication technologies related to their field, to transfer their professional knowledge through written, verbal / nonverbal communication.
5) To be able to express social, scientific, cultural and professional ethical values.
6) Having the ability to coordinate between units and to communicate well.
7) To be able to improve the knowledge, skills and competences related to the field with the awareness of lifelong learning and to develop oneself personally and professionally.
8) To have general terminology .
9) Ability to act in accordance with quality management and processes and participate in these processes.
10) To prepare the surgery room for operation.
11) Accepting the patient in the operating room and managing the process when transferring it to the post-operative clinic.
12) To be able to use basic knowledge and skills related to the field, to interpret and evaluate data and to be able to identify and solve potential problems.
13) To be able to apply changing techniques depending on technological developments, to be able to use new tools and devices.

Ders - Öğrenme Kazanımı İlişkisi

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) To be able to have basic theoretical and practical knowledge about the field of operating room services.
2) Use of theoretical domain knowledge in practice.
3) To know the basic, professional and legal regulations related to the field and to be able to act accordingly. 3
4) To be able to use information and communication technologies related to their field, to transfer their professional knowledge through written, verbal / nonverbal communication.
5) To be able to express social, scientific, cultural and professional ethical values. 4
6) Having the ability to coordinate between units and to communicate well.
7) To be able to improve the knowledge, skills and competences related to the field with the awareness of lifelong learning and to develop oneself personally and professionally.
8) To have general terminology .
9) Ability to act in accordance with quality management and processes and participate in these processes. 4
10) To prepare the surgery room for operation. 2
11) Accepting the patient in the operating room and managing the process when transferring it to the post-operative clinic. 5
12) To be able to use basic knowledge and skills related to the field, to interpret and evaluate data and to be able to identify and solve potential problems.
13) To be able to apply changing techniques depending on technological developments, to be able to use new tools and devices.

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Quizzes 1 % 20
Midterms 1 % 30
Final 1 % 50
total % 100
total % 100