Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Z / SA / SAD Theoretical Practical Laboratory ECTS
FCC101 Basic Information Technologies English Z 2 0 0 4
FCC107 Basic Principles of Economics English Z 3 0 0 4
PLS101 Introduction to Philosophy English Z 3 0 0 4
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology English Z 3 0 0 8
SOC105 Introduction to Psychology English Z 3 0 0 4
SOC107 English English Z 4 0 0 4
URE113 Turkish Language I English Z 2 0 0 2
2. Semester
Course Code Course Name Language Z / SA / SAD Theoretical Practical Laboratory ECTS
FCC102 Use of Information Technologies English Z 2 0 0 4
FCC109 Mathematics English Z 3 0 0 4
SOC102 Basic Concepts in Sociology English Z 3 0 0 6
SOC104 Social Antropology English Z 3 0 0 6
SOC106 Presentation and Writing Skills in Sociology English Z 3 0 0 6
URE110 Career Planning English Z 1 0 0 2
URE114 Turkish Language II English Z 2 0 0 2